
Defective Premises

Advice on Limiting Liability and Mitigating the Risk of Claims Under Amended Legislation

Assent of the Building Safety Act (2022) introduces amendments to the Defective Premises Act (DPA), and specifically that the limitation period in which a potential claimant can bring a claim under the DPA changes from six years from completion of a dwelling, to either a 30-year limitation period for dwellings completed before 28 June 2022, or 15 years for dwellings due to be complete after 28 June 2022.

With an extended scope of potential liability under the extended time periods, we can offer support in advising and pursuing those who may be liable under the DPA even where previously limitation was problematic.

Our team can also advise on the best course of action regarding your duties of care, managing claims and ensuring documentation, guarantees, warranties and insurance protections are in place to mitigate potential risk.

Speak to our building safety experts or send an enquiry directly to our team via the form opposite.