
The Building Safety Fund & Applications

Expert Advice in Developing Successful Applications 

Introduced in in March 2020 to fund the remediation of cladding on high-rise residential buildings (buildings over 18 metres), the Building Safety Fund (BSF) re-opened for new applications, and with adaptions, on 28 July 2022.

The Fund provides landlords and building owners with a mechanism to reduce the potential financial burden of remediation, meeting the costs of addressing life-safety fire risks associated with cladding in high-rise residential buildings where a building owner or developer can’t afford do so.

The application process can be a highly involved, resource intensive and complex process.

Through our familiarity with the new building safety legislation, processes and funding criteria, we can provide informed, expert advice to ensure a compliant and qualified application is developed - along with the supporting reports, documents and evidence of eligibility.

We can also provide assistance with appeals to BSF decisions, whether this is related to a decision to partially or fully reject a BSF application based on eligibility criteria, or by supporting new applicants in providing additional information and further clarification.

If you need further advice on the application process, requests for clarification or managing appeals, contact us below or fill in our brief enquiry form opposite.